Stepper Motor Controls
Stepper Motor Controller (24 Pins)

LS7290-S, LS7290-TS, LS7290
The LS7290 generates Phase Drive outputs and PWM outputs for controlling two-phase Bipolar Motors or four-phase Unipolar Motors, respectively. The LS7290 contains a mode controlled look-up table for generating the motor duty cycle drive sequences. There are four outputs…
Micro-Stepper Motor Controller (24 Pins, 28 Pins)

LS8292-S, LS8292-TS, LS8292, LS8293-S, LS8293-TS, LS8293
LS8292 and LS8293 are stepper motor controllers with selectable resolutions from Full to 1/32 step. There are four phase drive outputs and two inhibit outputs for controlling 2- phase bipolar or 4-phase unipolar motors. These outputs are designed to drive two external H-bridge drivers…
Stepper Motor Controller (20 Pins)

LS8297-S, LS8297-TS, LS8297, LS8297CT-S, LS8297CT-TS, LS8297CT
The LS8297 Stepper Motor Controller generates four phase drive signal outputs for controlling two phase Bipolar and four phase Unipolar motors. The outputs are used to drive two H-bridges for the two motor windings in the Bipolar motor or the four driver transistors…
Stepper Motor Controller (24 Pins)

LS8397-S, LS8397-TS, LS8397
The LS8397 Stepper Motor Controller generates four-phase drive signal outputs for controlling two-phase Bipolar and four-phase Unipolar motors. The outputs are used to drive two H-bridges for the two motor windings in the Bipolar motor or the four driver transistors…